
Already Cut My Hair

I got this from google and just hiasan semata-mata okeyh. 
Yes, finally free from tying up my hair. Huhuu. Felt annoyed with my long hair, so I decided to cut my hair before go back to USA. But, the consequence is ... I don't have enough fur to warm me up after this on winter. HAHAHAA. At least, kalau rambut panjang boleh la cover sejuk tu. But, I don't like to keep my long hair (Not interested and easy fed up on taking care hair).

Some reasons I don't like to keep long hair :

1. Dandruff. Aishh, currently a lot of dandruff on my hair. I always changed new shampoo you know. Try many brands, but not working at all.

2. Dry hair. I have problem which it is dry at end of the hair (like half to the bottom). Really sucks bila rambut kau macam hantu! So, I did asked the barber just now, she said to use serum for dry hair. Ohhh I see. I misunderstand between the hair serum with the argan oil. The argan oil is for the scalp. So, I'll go find the serum later.

3. Smells not good. So, when I quite sweating, my hair smell so unpleasant 😖 (yeahh, but it doesn't smell like rubbish okay). Lebih mudah untuk faham, bau kepam and masam. Then, every two or three days I will shampoo my hair. Therefore, the hair dry. Furthermore, I didn't use any serum, so the hair more DRY and DRY.

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  1. kena pakai serum jugak ni, baru kurang dry your hair :)

    1. Yes, yes. Cari please serum untuk kurangkan rambut kering.

  2. Mai memang suka rambut pendek masa belajar, hihi. Sekarang kena belajar simpan rambut panjang pulak nak tawen XD

  3. My hair is so dry that my sister said it could be use as broom 😑 If you find the serum for dry hair please write an entry about in the blog.

  4. Part kering hujung rambut memang menyakitkan hati😕 macam nak potong jugak tapi sayang rambut

    1. Tak payah potong smpai pendek tak boleh ikat... Just potong sikit pun jadi laa buat yg rmbut berkurun lama tuu.

  5. saya potong rambut...tak pendek mana lah..sebab rimas rambut panjang ni..

  6. Akak pun suka rambut pendek..senang nak urus.. hehehe

  7. Rambut panjang memang cantik tapi perlukan kasih sayang lebih sikit.


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