
Plan For Summer Trip?

Hey bloggers! Minggu ni minggu yang paling sakit sangat. I was so stress with my homework and other stuff. Even I keep complaining all these thing to other people (my bestfriend mostly), they might be a good listeners to me. But, I still can't get rid all these stress. All I can do, I can pray to Him. Please Ya Allah, give me the strength to not think all the negative vibes. I hope I can be beside my family right now. Only that, can make me happy. For sure not. I have to go through all these in US. I only have Ulfa that keep cheering me for now. 

Pretend to be happy even though it hurts inside.

One thing I feel right now, I wanna finish my summer class quickly and get ready for my road trip. I only have one more week for my online class! 😁And I can enjoy for my road trip with Ulfah, Hasni and Nazirul. Hopefully, this trip can stop me from thinking the stress.

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  1. Hi there, stress could be very harmful to your mind & your health. Be sure to keep yourself with good & positive vibes all along!

    1. Thank you Azreen. In shaa Allah, will surround myself with positive vibes.

  2. dont forget to shareee your journey. will be waiting to read the experience =)

    1. In shaa Allah, ada masa Beeha akan update. Thank you!

  3. Semoga Beeha sentiasa dipermudahkan urusan, aminn..


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