
Second Time To Chicago Part 1

At Adler Planetarium, Chicago, Illinois

Hi! Assalamua'laikum guys. Harini story pasal ke Chicago lagi! Almaklumlah, bukan senang nak jalan jalan pergi Chicago walaupun hanya 3 jam dari tempat Beeha ke sana. So, last week I had 5 days break because of Thanksgiving day start Wednesday until Sunday. Then, my Tuesday class was cancelled. Total, I got 6 days holiday. So heaven guys.. Like I already finished my final exams!

So, my housemate and I already planned this two days trip when we touched down Indiana, about 3 months ago.. Hihiiihhii. So, aku dan Afina berdua jer waktu tu. Kononnya memang nak duo trip je laa, dan tak kisah apa nak jadi kitaorang nak pergi sana jugak. Tapi bukan drive ke sana, naik bas beb. Bas kitaorang pukul 2.30 pagi hari Rabu. Itu waktu yang paling murah. $35 per person. Kami keluar rumah awal, sebelum pukul 6 petang disebabkan aku kena ambil barang di UPS store which is tripod that I used for my video shots. Hahaha. I eager to buy that things because I knew that is the only way we can selfie properly at Chicago. Gigih giler laa kitaorang. Sampai dekat UPS, terus buang kotak tripod tu dekat UPS Store. Dan terus galas tripod tu dekat belakang, sakit bahu jugak lah.

Then, we went to Circle Center Mall (downtown mall at Indianapolis). Bayangkan bosan jugak laa nak tunggu bas pukul 2.30 pagi. Dan waktu tu baru pukul 7 malam. And that time 7 malam tu sudah sangat gelap. Sekarang, Isya' dekat Indianapolis dalam pukul 6.40 petang. *Sangatlah PISHANGG*
Kitaorang ronda-ronda dalam mall dulu dan kemudian kitaorang makan malam di Bangkok Restaurant. Jalan kaki nak pergi sana dalam 10-15 minit macam tu. Kedai tu tutup pukul 10 malam, jadi kitaorang gunakan masa semaksimum yang boleh. Bila nak dekat pukul 10, baru kitaorang keluar dari kedai tu. 😂😅

So, we searched a 24 hours shop and found a Steak and Shake. Alamakkk, rupanya kitaorang kena patah balik jalan nak pergi kedai tersebut, dan agak jauh dari stesen bas. But, we had no choice, takkan nak mati kesejukan dekat cuaca 0 degree Celcius malam tu. Nak tak nak, kitaorang jalan balik pergi kedai tu. Dan agak bosan lagi, kitaorang masih ada 2 jam setengah untuk tunggu bas tersebut.

Jadi, bila lagi 20 minit anggaran bas nak sampai, kitaorang pun pergi laa cari kat mananya stesen bas tu. I imagined it was a nice station bus with shelter, but it was a bus stand only. HAHHAHAH. We called that Megabus. If kitaorang naik Greyhound, it should be a proper place laa untuk tempat menunggu tu. Tetapi Greyhound usually more expensive than Megabus.

Tunggu bas pulak satu hal, delay! 3.20 pagi baru sampai. Dah masuk dalam bas, pening aku bau weed. I will rate that bus 2.5 out of 5. Suddenly I remembered Fina told me, she rated 4 out of 5. I couldn't believe that!! Serius serabut gila. Tapi memang patutlah, bas tu datang dari Nashville, Tennessee. About 5 hours from Tennessee to Indiana. So, that bus pick up people from Tennesse, Kentucky and Indiana. After that, it will go to Chicago, Illinois. Tapi ni impression untuk bas dari sana ke Chicago. Bus dari Chicago ke sana, I can rate it 4 out of 5. Sebab Chicago as the first stop, so about 10 people like that yang naik. Bas pun masih dalam keadaan tenang. 😂

Yeahh, so we began our trip to Chicago. 3 hours to Chicago. We arrived 6.30 a.m. waktu Chicago. Untuk pengetahuan semua, Illnois state one hour late from Indiana state. Masa tu, -4 Degree Celcius. Sejuk tidak terkata, aku hanya menggigil sebab sweater aku pakai tak tebal sangat. Tangan jangan cakap la, memang kering. Tak bawa losyen pulak! After that, we took Uber to Dunkin Donuts because that was the only shop open early in the morning. And right now, we figured out mana tempat nak cuci muka semua. Sebabnya check in hotel, 3 petang nanti. So sekarang kitaorang cuci muka je and I put some foundation to cover my eyebag. T.T

My housemate, Afina

So, we started our trip by buying bus pass for $30 (2 days pass) and we wanted to buy gloves too. It was freaking cool that morning and I didn't bring mine. So, just got a new one. No choice. After that, we got a bus to Navy Pier. Dekat sini ada ferris wheel and we can see tall building of Chicago from far. Tapi aku dan Afina tak naik pun. The main thing was, kitaorang memang nak jalan jalan tengok surrounding sahaja. Dekat sini, bermulalah operasiku menggunakan tripod. I could see, orang dekat situ semua perhatikan je kitaorang bergambar guna tripod. Rasa macam malu jugaklah mula-mula. But, no hal bro. Aku nak gambar aku lawa. 😛 Lama jugak laa kitaorang dekat situ, about one hour.

To be continued...

Sorry guys, right now already 10.45 p.m. I have class tomorrow morning and turn to cook. I need to wake up early.

Here is the link of my short vlog. Feel free to click the link and watch it. It's only less than 3 minutes video! ;)

Please guys, don't forget to thumbs up my video and subscribe it. It is my first time editing the video and post it on Youtube. Still noob, and need to learn more about editing videos. =)

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  1. Kenapalah gambar lawa-lawa? Geramnya kt gmbar beeha. Lawa lawa tau. ANy tips for gambar lawa?

    1. Thanks kak OM. Nanti Beeha share macam mana nak tips gambar lawa. :)

  2. uwahhhhhhh so happy for you. and all da best for ur study yaaa.

  3. bestnya study oversea! lepastu boleh travel lagi!.. inshaallah one day! (me) hehe

    1. 2 in 1. Hihii, inshaa allah moga cita cita awak tercapai.

  4. Okay now I'm jealous seeing your pretty pictures..!

    1. hehehee, nanti i share tips macam mana nak capture gambar cantik.

  5. Bestnya travel dan dapat melihat negara luar.. cantik2 gambar beeha


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