
Malaysian Night OSU

May 05, 2017 | MYSA Programme at Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, last night. First Malaysian Night event that I attended. Last year, my college did International night. Not only last year, every year they did International Night, but it was my first time involved in that event as I just came here. I did performed for International Night as one of representatives from Malaysia. ^^

Let's forget for a while about International Night from my college. The story is about Malaysian Night at Oregon State University. Actually, at first I don't wanna go to that event. I don't like crowded people like that. Hmm... I think there are many reasons for why I don't wanna go. First, I need to think about dressing up myself. Not only my problem, I'm pretty sure this is always girls' problems. 😂
Second, I don't have transport to go there. Even though, OSU still in Oregon, but it is about one hour from my place. My friends and I, we have a car. But, it didn't convince me to go that further after it broke down for a while at the RNR in our way back from Washington. We need to call for towing the car. We need to pay about $140. Luckily, we have insurance for the car. So, it covers $100 and we need to pay for the rest. Bad experience ever in my life. But, we still keep and use that car just for grocery shopping.

Third, I always get gastric. I need to have proper meal - always eat on time! Sometimes, it burden myself and other people especially my friends. 😭 I think who has gastric, they know how I feel.

The conclusion is we still go to the event. We still use that car. HAHA. Only drive 60 mile per hour (90 kilometer per hour). Steady and slow even the lorries pass us. Alhamdulillah, we arrived at 6:28 p.m. The event started at 7:00 p.m. in a ballroom.

The event started with a performance by Aina Amirah ( she sang a song of Memori Tercipta). And continued with performance of Sabah and Sarawak dance. Then, they served us food - Nasi Lemak, Pandan Cake, Sate and Longan Juice. Omg, I love those food. But, the sate was out of my expectation. No lidi for the sate. It was just a slice of chicken. Hahaha. Nevermind, it was tasty though. After I took the food, my stomach felt uncomfortable. Yeah, I knew I was gastric already. My  stomach like bloated and full of water even I didn't drink a lot of water before came to the event. I felt I wanna throw up, seriously. I kept continue eating. The event ended. My stomach still not good. 😭😷

Everyone took pictures together. I didn't feel good. I sat on the chair and watched them from behind. After that, I went to restroom. My face looks like a corpse. No smile at all. I could see my eyebag. I felt sleepy, I wanna rest. But, I pretended "I'm okay!" "So, lets take photos."

The best picture I had for that night, at least! 😑

We didn't pray yet, it almost 9:30 p.m. We decided to pray at my senior's house. Luckily, Isya' was 9:50 p.m. After done prayed, we got acquainted with other senior - Amira, Farah, Mia, Neyna. There were very friendly. I thought I don't wanna go back to Eugene. However, I had Physics review session tomorrow morning.

I drove back to Eugene and arrived at 11:30 p.m.

So, this is my simple dress for that night. I bought it at Forever 21. My friend, Ulfa, helped me to choose this cloth. I just mix and match the blouse with the stripe jumpsuit.

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  1. I drunk in jealousy. It must be super awesome living and studying abroad. Always be my dreams but end up I pursue in local uni. Still syukur :')

    1. It's okay Amer. Maybe not this time for you to study abroad. Keep continuing your dreams tho, maybe you have your chance to study abroad in Master... ;) Syukur syukur selalu. Banyakkan berdoa.

  2. you look gorgeous in anything *>*


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