Time to study and blogging ?

Hi bloggers! I'm so happy right now! Why I'm so happy? Do you wanna know why?  😀

I think this is the first time I feel like this. I finished my Physics and Writing's homework! Yeay, well spent my two hours to design an experiment for the physics and some discussion to post in moodle for writing assignment. I did not even see the notification pops up from my cell phone. Yes! I can do that!

I was so relieved because for the first time I focused on my physic's homework! Before this, I kind of cheat myself because I did see the solutions manual to finish my homework early. Or sometimes, I kept asking my friends how to do this homework even though I knew I can read the instructions by myself. This is because I really worried about other assignment that I did not finish yet. 💢

Only I can feel how unorganised was me at that time. 😓

So, I'm totally free right now and spend some time to update my blog. Actually, I was so excited about my blog! I gained new followers! Hello new followers! Excited to have all of you. Feel free to blogwalking on my blog.

Back to my title of the entry -time to study and blogging?

How Beeha organise her time between blogging and studying?

1. Finish the homework

Homework and study is my prioritise. So, I will make sure to finish my homework or do some revision before I opened my blog site.

2. Set my time

Sometimes, in a week I have a lot of homework! I'm sure I cannot finish every assignment in a day. The due date for the assignment usually a week after it was given. So, if I think I wanna update blog on that day, I will set two to three hours spend my time doing my homework. After that, I can do whatever I want including update my blog. 😉

3. Post schedule

I rarely do this thing. But you also can schedule your post. Let say I do two entries today. One of them I will post right now, but the other one I will set for the next day or the day after that will automatically post. It is much easier! If I wanted every weeks has three post, I just schedule three posts on that day and it will be automatically post on the day you set.

So, this is some way I manage my blog and study. Please, please, please... I realise that I need to update my blog at least once a week. Dear my followers and other bloggers, do update your entries guys! So, your followers will realise your existance. We follow you because we want to know your new stories! Keep updating even though once in a week. 😁

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  1. Kadang tu rasa nak update blog tapi mood nak menulis tu takde. Lepastu post tu terkubur dalam draft hewhew

    1. aah kadang2 biha macma tu jugak, then bila nak continue draft tu, dah lupa nak sambung apa. Hahahaha

  2. Yeah, the satisfaction when we finished the homework by doing it ourselves. It's priceless! Haha

  3. For this moment, I still struggling to allocate my time for both study and blogging 'coz sometime blogging might be so addictive especial when you get the comment notifications or your blog gets review and so forth. But, I'm now working on scheduling the posts regularly. Thanks for the tips :)

    Anyway, Amerzing is now following you and this is so exciting. Nice template tho, simple and classy. Keep in touch!

    1. Yes, same goes to me! I become more addictive to write posts when I get more comments. ^^ Thank you, your blog also nice tho. :)

  4. I also still haven't figure out the best day to post but I try to at least post once a week .

    1. Don't worry rasya. At least posts something once a week.

  5. Hai beehaaa! rasanya macam dah lama cikja tak mai view blog beeha.

    1. hai cik Ja! Lama dah beeha rasa. Selalu2 laa singgah. :)

  6. Yeahhh! Thank you, beeha for the encouragement words! 💪

  7. It's hard isn't when there's a bunch of homework but at the same time we also have a bunch of ideas to write in blog :') haha but, homework, yes , I agree finishing th homework first, baru boleh legaaa nak typing hehew ;)

    1. hehe, sometimes blogging beeha letak first bcoz it's so addicted. =='

  8. Salam Sis Beeha. I tag u in blue sky tag challenge.


  9. Siqah berusaha jugak lah nak update blog at least once a week �� Struggle jugak nanye tapi cuba jugak. Nak bahagikan masa antara kerja dan keluarga agak susah for me. But I love blogging so much! Cuma kalau datang #bloggingslump memang tak boleh buat apalah. Hihi

  10. Akak settle kan semua assigment dulu lepas tu ada masa free akak menulis blog.


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