Tagging by LE.JH
Scroll-scroll chatbox baru perasan yang Beeha tak jawab lagi taggin by LE.JH a.k.a Miss Anis. Jum kita tengok apa soalan-soalan cepumas yang Anis suruh Beeha jawab. Heheee. Zasssss.

*i dah zoomkan tak perlu klik2 lagi untuk besarkan. Hihiii.
- Nama penuh saya adalah jeng jeng jeng.. Rahsiaa. Heheeehe. I kasi tahu Nabihah jea.
- Sebab apa mula berblogging? Banyak jugak sebabnya.. Beeha bagitau yang penting jea. First, sebab bosan tak tahu nak buat apa waktu cuti nie..So, i decided to release my tension by blogging. Second, because its been a long time I left blogging, so now I want to continue back blogging and at the same I can share my tips , tuto or news with others.
- Theme I choose ni memang I ni giler laah kalau tengok warna purple and turqoise. Thats why I choose that.
- Follow blog Anis baru sangat, ye laa I ni kan new blogger katakan... Baru aktif semula berblogging. Heheheee.
- For my opinion, blog Anis is very nice and really cute your header. And one more thing, rare jugak lahh orang guna color orange but I do like it!!
- Daddy's Little Secret. Its about family life. Memang menyanyat hati lah bila baca, siap nangis lagi sepanjang baca buku tu... Sebab this young girl about 12 years old, she had been raped by her step-father but her mom did not know about that. But she still keep that secret , takut kena ugut dengan ayah tiri. But, dia tetap jaga anak yang dia kandungkan itu.. To know the ending? You should find this book. :)
- Only one place yang memang I kep dreaming ever is PARIS!!. Kalau boleh taja laa I dengan husband too . Hahahhaa. Nak bergambar depan Eiffel Tower with husband.#Relationship goal!! Kehkehhhkeh..

- Best drama? Ermmm, I dunno. Hahaaha. Korean drama?, surely I don't have idea about this. Lately, I just focus on music only. Haaaa , maybe drama Tersuka Tanpa Sengaja . I tak penah miss lagi one episode, not bad thus drama.. You can watch this..
- Azam... Satu jea azam, hopefully I can fly to America no matter what. Maybe this is not my intention but just my dream. Emmmm. Hopefully, do pray for me yahhh.. And another 'azam' , I want to study hard and get success in my life. Ameeennn..
- Anis, goodluck in your life. Do pray a lot for your SPM result. In shaa allah, you will get straight A's. Ameen...
So, now its my turn to tag other bloggers.
Aisyah | Nik Ainaa | Leya | UmmuNasri | Haziqah | Raihanah | Fatihah | Fadhilah | Lissa | Sorfiena
Ini soalan-soalan yang perlu di jawab. Hanya 5 lima sahaja soalan dan kemudian anda perlu tag lagi lima bloggers lain.
1. Nama penuh dan nama manja korang?
2. Perkara apakah yang pernah mengecewakan anda?
3. Postkan gambar kawan rapat yang paling anda rindui. If rakan anda mempunyai blog sila tagkan namanya.
4. Berikan lagu favourite anda.
5. Nyatakan berapa bintang yang anda beri untuk blog Beeha.
Selamat Menjawab Sahabat bloggersku.. :D
Hoho, thank you tag beeha! InsyaAllah akan dijawab nanti! ><
ReplyDeletethanks sebab tag saya. nanti rajin2 saya buat eh :3 hihi
ReplyDeleteYeayyyyy! Dah jawab! ><
ReplyDeleteYeayyy! Dah jawab! ><
opi dah jawab :)
Sis dah jawab
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