
7 Ways to Practice Self Love

Suddenly, I come out to share about how to practice love yourself. Before this, I always put others and my partner without thinking about myself. Yeahh, I'm talking about relationship and love. When he left me, I felt that I lost myself. For women out there, please and please love yourself first before you give your love to someone else. Put aside about family in this topic, because family always be our number one and of course we love them forever and ever. Right now, I was talking about man. Don't ever give 100% love to them, because when the left you, you lost yourself too. And thats why, you feel so sad and crying all day long.

At Garden Park Indianapolis
Here are 7 ways that I can share how you should love yourself first.

1. Forgive your past and arrive in the now.
What does this mean? The most important one, you need to forgive who ever makes you angry and feels bad. I know that sometimes, you feel very bad about that person and don't want to forgive him/her. Feeling stuck and your heart kinda burst! Because of you were very angry and put all the blame on yourself. Takes time and forgive yourself. At the moment, you will relieve. Believe me..

2. Acknowledge who you already are and what you have accomplished.
By now, you should set up back what you want. Aim for your future. Stop thinking all the negativities. Know where you are right now. Like me, I still a student. So, I keep thinking how to motivate my days after this and focus on what I need to achieve.

3. Value yourself and your time. Set boundaries when you have too.
So, this is the continuation from the step above. As you already have your goals, set them when you should achieved. 5 years from now? 10 years from now?? Take these opportunities to treat yourself and spend time with family or friends.

4. Instead of putting yourself down, tell yourself about your good qualities daily.
Every time I pray, I asked Allah to calm my heart and I cried. This is how I do to release all the pain. Then, I looked to the mirror and talked to myself. "Yes you can do it Beeha. Just forgive what he did to you. You should be happy too. I know I can live without him. He doesn't appreciate you! Then, why you still begging him to stay." Do Google some motivation quotes that will boost and motivate you everyday.

5. Practice gratitude. It will change your life.
Gratitude is like an appreciation. So, do thankful to yourself of your achievement right now. Also, do make others happy and it eventually make you happy too!

6. Surround yourself with loving, supportive people. Let go of those that harm you.
I do have small circle of friends and I really trust them. I have high school friends. They are my best friends since we were Form 1 until now. They are very supportive and give me a lot of motivations. As I were far from my home and family, I do spend my time more with my friends. I do often call my family, but I wouldn't talk about relationship at all with them. I prefer my friends.. Other than that, you all can involve with volunteer activities or active in organization. By busying yourself with these activities, you tend to forget all your problem and also "him/her".

7. Stand up for what you deserve. Let people know when they overstepped a line. Be strong for you!
Even though, you got a lot of motivations from your friends and family, it still depends on yourself. People can give more input to you, but you as yourself need to stand up and be strong! Let them know that you can survive and strong to handle any negativity that you/re facing right now.

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  1. don't be a crybaby is the next tips hehe 🤭

  2. Thanks for the sharing beeha. Love yourself too okay <3

  3. hmmm , kadang cube jugak nak pentingkan diri or letakkan diri as a priority . Tapi sebab kesian dan tak sampai hati kita letak diri sendiri kat tepi semula dan jage hati orang lain . Btw i'm enjoy reading your entry .

    1. hmm sama lah kita kak su. Try dah nak jadi hati kering, pastu cair juga bila fikir pasal orang lain.

  4. Ever since I was a little kid, I always put other people first. From my siblings to friends (boyfriend belum lagi sebab tak pernah ada) but I don't know how to stop. Maybe I should be selfish sometimes but I'm just clueless. So, thank you for this post. I should practice it bit by bit.

    1. Hi Tqa! Thank for your comment. I didn't mention about family because I know this is always be my priority and you should too. For my opinion, it's okay if you want to put family first especially your mom and dad. Always remember their sacrifices. To be selfish with your friends, SOMETIMES is okay. Sebab ada yang betul2 ikhlas dengan kita, so you can't ignore them just like that right? ;)


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