
Follower Widget di Blogskin

Hello my bloggers. This evening  I would like to share one more tuto for blogskin users.

This is one of my problems. I ada ikut tuto2 yg saya jumpa tapi tak menjadi sbb coding tak sama. Jadi saya nak share cara saya pulak.

Click this first. TUTO .

Orite , lets begin our tutorial.

How to add follower widget at the sidebar of  blogskin? Just follow the following step yaa guys. ;)

1. Sign In your blog ---> Template ---> Upgrade Template *tekan yg ni okay?

Click to enlarge the picture

2. Click View Blog at the top of blog.

3. After that, click both Ctrl + U. Then you can see the view source of the template blog.

4. Then click Ctrl + F to find the below code.

</div><div class='widget Followers' id='Followers1'>

Note : Code di atas ni mungkin ada yg dapat, mungkin jgk ade yg tak ada sbb code ni untuk contoh dalam blog saya. Therefore, korang try to find out the code that similar with me kay?

5. Kalau dah jumpa , start copy code dari yg ni <div class='clear'></div>  until jumpa this code  </script></div></div></div>.    Be careful kay, jangan copy sampai terlajak code pulak yeaa.

Ni contoh code dalam source saya punya. Korang start amik code dr garisan bawah merah pertama tu sehingga ke bawah tuu..

6. Next revert balik ke classic template.

7. Last step, copy balik code korang amik tadi dan pastekan di Edit Template HTML korang. Carilah bahagian sidebar yg sesuai untuk dipastekan.

Thanks guys for reading my tuto. Saya minta maaf sangat sangat kalau korang tak faham yea. agak berserabut sikit nak cerita pasal nih. Hehee.

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  1. Bukak Salam.
    Thanks for the info. At first, i rase mcm nk menjerit je bila google friend connect cannot found. I terus search kat google until i found your blog!! Thanks for your tutorial. I'm really appreciate it.
    Tutup salam.

  2. thank you sis for this tuto! :) terpikir jugak kenapa dia macam hilang je kan.

  3. Tq for the tuto. Banyak-banyak tuto, tuto ni yang paling saya rasa ok. TQ SO MUCH ;)


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